The epoxy resin river table is a work of art of the XXI century

The epoxy resin river table is a work of art of the XXI century

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    River-table recently considered the number one trend among wooden products This is not surprising, because the beauty of the tables with epoxy resin easily captivates the eyes. Just one glance and you don't want to let out of sight the wooden work of art.

    Today we will talk about different variations of design and forms of a table-river.

Rectangular river-table

    This form is extremely common through a number of specific features:

    First, the table is easy to select for the interior of the kitchen, dining room or room.

    Secondly, these tables do not require too large areas in the house. You can place the table in the center or just move to the wall.

    Thirdly, it is easier to accommodate more people. When you are planning a dining table, you need to consider that a person needs 50-60 cm of space. Therefore, for a table with a length of 1200 mm, you can accommodate 6 people.

Before designing the table, consider all the factors so that the table is not only beautiful but also comfortable.

table with rounded corners

    But this is not all the features. If you have small children and you are worried about their safety, you should order a table with rounded corners. After all, in this way you can protect children from injuries.

River table with mother-of-pearl epoxy resin
River epoxy resin table
Desk with smaragd epoxy

    The rectangular table-river is created in different variations. We have products with both narrow and wide rivers. It all depends on the individual wishes of the client. However, be prepared that it is not always possible to make a table, as in the picture. After all, we do not use the usual chipboard. We work only with exclusive and limited materials. Therefore, when you order a table river, get ready to give freedom of creativity to masters. After all, the best orders were done when our clients fully trusted us.

Round-shaped river-table

    Round tables look the most harmonious, but instead, they require an appropriate interior. Keep in mind that this form requires a large area of the house. After all, a round table must be placed in the center of the room. If it is placed next to the wall or in the corner, then the main feature of the table will be lost.

    Before ordering a round epoxy table, you need to decide what you want to get. If you are interested in a coffee table, 600 mm diameter is enough to accommodate up to 4 persons. In the dining tables sizes are different. For seating 2 people, the minimum diameter, in our opinion, is 800 mm.

Round tables with epoxy potting

    In addition to the size of the table, do not forget about the chairs. After all, they also occupy a significant part of the place. Therefore, the larger the diameter, the larger must be the area to accommodate the table.

Oval-shaped river-table

    In this case, the situation is similar with round tables. But we would also like to note the importance of choosing an epoxy potting. If you want to place the legs in the middle, then we do not recommend choosing transparent epoxy, because the mount can be seen through the resin, which will spoil the harmony of the table. So it is better to choose a pearl epoxy fill.

Oval-shaped table-river
American walnut and epoxy resin table
Dining table Coffee grain

The river-table of irregular shape

    Designing an irregularly shaped table filled with epoxy resin requires extraordinary skill and professionalism. If you want to order this table, then be sure to consult with an experienced designer. This must be done so that you do not get a wooden product that will look out of place in the interior.

Table-river of irregular shape
Black epoxy resin river table

    We want to note that the river table of irregular shape is better suited for the reception, exhibition or bar counter. A table of irregular shape, with rough edges (living edge), can also be in small sizes, which will allow it to be used as a coffee or a side table. However, to be 100% sure in the choice, you must use a program for 3D visualization. After all, such tables should fit perfectly and complement the interior.

    This theme is still developing and gaining popularity. We expect the appearance of new ideas and design solutions, which we will definitely continue to write about.

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